Travel by Mood - The Adrenaline Rush 

Adrenaline - A hormone in our body that raises our heartbeat, blood pressure & rate of breathing.

"It's ironic how you feel most alive when your heart skips a few beats"

The only thing which controls the adrenaline is EXCITEMENT. If you want to raise the adrenaline in your body, just raise the EXCITEMENT outside the body.

For all the adrenaline junkies out there, this is a collection of bouts that are specifically designed to let you feel the surge of adrenaline inside you. Appreciation and gratitude to Nature & Mother Earth; watching the surreal beauty and majesty of unfathomable Himalayas.

These experiences will take you out of your comfort zone which involves openness, sensitivity, broad-minded tolerance of others' values; smiling at strangers, patience, and connecting with the wilderness inside us. There's so much to do like white-water rafting, snow skiing, trekking, camping, mountaineering, witness wild animals in their natural habitat. To have fun with these bouts, all you need is a good amount of adrenaline inside you.

"If you have men who will only come if they know there is a good road, I don't want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all." ~ David Livingstone

So, Let's book these adventure tour packages to India from Bout India and experience a thrill in Life. These adventure tour packages have a plethora of adventure activities to give you that ultimate adrenaline rush.

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